Iona Miller E-mail
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Southern Oregon, USA
Online Contact Info
American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
Code Of Ethics...
As a Hypnotherapist holding a Certification from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, I commit myself to conduct my professional relationships in accord with the Code of Ethics and subscribe to the following statements:
I regard as my primary obligation the welfare of the individual or group served.
I will not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national ancestry and in my job capacity will work to prevent and eliminate such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments, and in employment practices.
I give precedence to my professional responsibility over my personal interests.
I hold myself responsible for the quality and extent of the service I perform.
I respect the privacy of the people I serve.
I respect the rights, desires and needs of my clients at all times.
I use in a responsible manner information gained in professional relationships.
I treat with respect the findings, views, and actions of colleagues and use appropriate channels to express judgment on these matters.
I practice hypnotherapy within the recognized knowledge and competence of the profession. and findings to the body of hypnotism knowledge and practice.
I accept responsibility to help protect the community against unethical practice by any individuals or organizations engaged in hypnotic services.
I distinguish clearly, in public, between my statements and actions as an individual and as a representative of an organization.
I support the principle that professional practice requires professional education.
I teach self-hypnosis to my clients/students whenever possible.
I contribute my knowledge, skills and support to programs of human welfare.
I agree to conduct my practice and all professional interactions in strict accordance with the Code of Ethics as defined.
Iona Miller, CHT