Webpresence 2006: IONATOPIA Google IONATOPIA + Iona Miller’ for the whole list iona@ionamiller.org or iona_m@yahoo.com IONATOPIA 2006 UPDATES: http://ionatopia.50megs.com Io Art Updates: http://ionamiller.50megs.com General Updates: http://ionamillerupdates.50megs.com THE IONASPHERE 2000: http://ionamiller.org ___________________________________________________ WHAT’S NEW1/1/06NEW WEBSITE: IONATOPIA Comprehensive intro and updates for all writing and art. Art Manifesto 2006 http://ionatopia.50megs.com 7/06 NEW SITE: July, 2006 CONSCIOUS ALCHEMY – NLP 2006 http://consciousalchemy.50megs.com CONSCIOUS ALCHEMY is the art of modulating your own psychophysical chemistry for increased quality of life. We need to learn the art of living well, instead of living better. Through CONSCIOUS ALCHEMY you can retrieve the psychophysical biochemistry of your balanced and peak performance states. You can apply this to pain management as well as emotional issues or boosting your potential. By recalling vital times, you essentially regress your body chemistry to a more youthful you, and minimize the toxic chemistry of stress. This allows both body and mind to relax and recalibrate homeostasis. You can also draw on the support and encouragement of your evolving future self through imagination. Just as one incident can create trauma, one healing moment can change that instantly. 6/06 NEW SITE: June, 2006 TEMPLE OF LIVING LIGHT – QBL 2006 http://templeoflivinglight.50megs.com Re-vision qabala. We need a contemporary qabala for today, a 21st Century qabala, suitable for our "ground", our electronic environment. There is no advantage in our remaining locked up in any cultural cycle, exchanging hoary grimoires and number matrices, as if in a trance or a dream. If you go obsessively looking for something in the matrix, you are sure to find it. Discover the means of living simultaneously in all cultural modes while quite conscious. All spiritual worldviews, including science, are narratives or interpretations of the nature of reality and our nature. We can make our practice and service contemporary by drawing on each era and drawing them forward into the future. 5/06 NEW SITE: May, 2006 MY ZERO POINT: Find Your Own Zero PointDISCOVER THE WHOLE IN YOUR SOUL. All of Nature and our own nature arises from the omnipresent centerpoint of Zero-Point Energy or vacuum fluctuation, beyond energy/matter. Our whole body flickers in and out of existence at an astounding rate, and each of those quantum recreations is an opportunity to transform utterly. http://myzeropoint.50megs.com/ NEW ANIMATION: Blue Elf Magick, animated by Bob Judd of Subcutaneous. http://subcutaneous.org/ 4/06
NEW SITE: April, 2006 HARMONIC CONTINUUM EMBODIMENT PRACTICES and PARTICIPATORY WISDOM: Somatic-Spiritual Tech for the Reality Shift. A group of spirit-based somatic educators, action-research scientists, scholars and performing artists have formed a unique alliance with an evolutionary agent, Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondananda, political scientist and comedian, Lorin Kiely, Physicist Mark Comings, Stas Rutkowski, Julie Henderson, etc. We came together Easter weekend, April 14-16, 2006 to originate a new synthesis which will be the foundation for a fully dynamic participatory educational process for self-regulation. http://harmoniccontinuum.50megs.com COMMUNITY ACTION April 2006 Grants Pass Metaphysical Library and Salon The community-based GPML is a regional membership lending library, music and art space, study center and event center in Grants Pass, Southern Oregon. Let me know if you want to speak in our venue. http://gpml.50megs.com
NEW JNLRMI April 2006: Our April 2006 issue of the Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions, Genetic Regulatory Architectures, Bioelectromagnetics and Conscious Intent A survey of current experimental evidence and new genetic control paradigms. http://www.emergentmind.org/jnlrmiiv1.htm
4/06 NEW WEBSITE: KNOW BROW ARThttp://knowbrowart.50megs.com Neither High-brow nor Low-Brow, the Electronic Arts are "KNOW-Brow Art" born of our fusion with technology. In the middle of the forehead, neither high nor low is the Third Eye of inner or visionary sight. Electronic arts, by their very nature, require a great deal of technical knowledge to interface with computer-assisted media. Know Brow art respects and draws from both classical art and that of the underground or street. Digital Media include still frames, Flash, and desktop digital movies, often incorporated with other media, installation, and performance. 3/06 NEW WEBSITE: MIND CONTROL The original site at 50megs was hacked off the net, 6/06 by homeland insecurity, so I redid it at http://mindcontrol.chaosmagic.com Do It Yourself Mind Control. Self-care and Self-regulation is the antidote to corporate and sociopolitical mind control. Do it yourself, or somebody else will. Rototill your belief system; don’t be a sheeple, people. Paramedia Ecology; Paradigm Shift; Freestyling, Persuasion, Coercion, Hypnosis, etc. 2/7/06 NEW WEBSITE: DIGITAL UNIVERSE http://digitaluniverse.50megs.com VIRTUAL QABALAH art/music DVD with Merlyn Morgan; Albert Hoffman 100th birthday party, Basel; Io digital media art Media Ecology; Video Guru Nam June Paik’s Wake, NYC. Io’s 2006 Art Manifesto: DIGITAL UNIVERSE:New Media Morphs the Memescape. 1/15/06 NEW WEBSITE: PSIONA Iona’s parapsychology/paraphysics history, writings and collaborations, 1970s - 2006. PSIber Kult, Emergent Mind, Nexus, PsiOps, John Curtis Gowan, Heartstrings Nonlocal Healing, Asklepia Dreamhealing, Mankind Research Unlimited, Beyond MK Ultra, OAK, Inc., more. 21st C. Psi Research, Holographic Concept, Co-consciousness, Quantum Bioholography, Multiverse, Chaosophy, Nonlocal Healing, etc. http://psiona.50megs.com 1/26/06 NEW ANIMATION OF IO ARTI’m interested in subcultures and Psychedelic Intelligentsia as subject matter: LSD: Problem Child of Albert Hoffman, Animations http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/space693.html http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/space721.html Art Frames - http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/iona_m/album?.dir=/1561&.src=ph&.tok=phVEVVEBQhFiPa_b Conference Pix (Jeff Keim)http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/iona_m/album?.dir=/57be&.src=ph&.tok=phQQTUEBZ1a.p4Xy Universal Solvent: “Blue Elf Magick”: Still frames and Hyperdelic animation of Io digital fine art and pix from Albert Hoffman 100th B-day party, Basel, Switzerland. Io collabo with electronic artist Philip Wood, France. Music: Plastic Ono Band, “Do the Oz”. 12/2005 NEW WEBSITE: THE PHOTONIC HUMAN From the Heart of Darkness springs the Light, and we are That. Virtual Photon Fluctuation is the Source of the photons that form and sustain our Being. We are truly Light Beings: Homo Lumen. We literally inhabit and embody a Temple of Living Light, which is interconnected with the deepest level of Cosmos. We are shiny Diamonds of Rainbow Light. We are made in the Images of that Brilliance. Shine On! In the Effulgence of its Brilliance. http://photonichuman.50megs.com 11/2005 NEW SITE: WISDOM CENTER http://wisdomcenter.50megs.com 10/2005 NEW WEBSITE: KABBALAH LUMINATA As a digital artist I paint with LIGHT; as a Qabalist I practice in the Temple of Living Light. Recently discontent with static and Flash imagery alone, I have begun venturing into the world of filmmaking. Come see some of the art frames I have prepared for animation at my new Kabbalah Luminata Portal at http://kabbalahluminata.50megs.com 9/2005 PUBLISHING Iona’s painting “The Diamond Body”, plus commentary in Science-Art art book; see http://www.science-art.com.au/ and http://science-art-usa.50megs.com THE TRUE MEANING OF THE DAVINCI CODE, By Robert Pope; ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs)Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005 By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo Ad Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton. In response to Dan Brown’s The da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth. ART WRITING Jungian Psychology Cut-Up ESSAY on artist GENESIS P-ORRIDGE: PandroGENy: A Love Story of Gender Reunion ~The Yab-Yummy Way of Imagination. http://ionamiller.chaosmagic.com/catalog.html “The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense - he is 'collective man,' a vehicle and molder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.” (Carl Jung, Psychology and Literature, 1930) PORTRAIT Animated portrait of Iona by international electronic artist in Paris, Philip Wood: http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/space543.html ARCHIVES & IONATOPIA PORTALS 2005:IONATOPIA 2006http://ionatopia.50megs.com THE IONASPHERE: COLLECTED WORKS 2000http://ionamiller.org 2005 ART UPDATEShttp://ionamiller.50megs.com 2005 GENERAL IO UPDATES PORTAL http://ionamiller.chaosmagic.com FANSITES 2005 TRIBE Public URL: http://ionaisthebomb.tribe.net BLOG: http://people.tribe.net/ionamiller BLOG: http://people.tribe.net/ionamiller BLOG: http://www.myspace.com/ionamiller SUBCUTANEOUS UPDATE PAGE 2005 http://www.subcutaneous.org/Iona.html LUX ARTILLERY ART BOOK 2005 http://theluxartillery.chaosmagic.com SYNERGETIC QABALA PORTAL 2005 http://synergeticqabala.chaosmagic.com FUTURE SCIENCE PORTAL http://futurescience.chaosmagic.com CREATIVITY PORTAL http://creativity.chaosmagic.com THE MODERN ALCHEMIST BOOK http://themodernalchemist.chaosmagic.com EMERGENT HEALING PARADIGM PORTAL http://emergenthealing.50megs.com SCIENCE ART USA PORTAL http://science-art-usa.50megs.com CHAOSOPHY JOURNAL PORTAL http://chaosophy.50megs.com EDGEWORKS HYPNOSIS PORTAL http://edgeworkshypnosis.50megs.com MYTHIC LIVING PORTAL Pantheon Book http://mythicliving.chaosmagic.com NEW 6/2005: BIOPHYSICS Portal http://biophysics.50megs.com SACRED GEOMETRY http://sacredgeometry.50megs.com IO UPDATES 2005 & SAMPLE ARTICLES http://www.angelfire.com/art2/digidiva_ionamiller THE MAGICAL & RITUAL USE OF PERFUMES book http://magicalperfume.chaosmagic.com
About the author: Trandisciplinarian Iona Miller is a consultant, writer, hypnotherapist and multimedia artist doing groundbreaking work on the fusion of chaos theory and emergent paradigm shift in experiential psychotherapy, new physics, biophysics, philosophy, cosmology, medicine, creativity, art, qabalah, magick, metaphysics, and society. See her annual CHAOSOPHY JOURNAL http://chaosophy.50megs.com at homepage http://ionamiller.org Also visit 2006 UPDATES at http://ionatopia.50megs.com and ARTLINKS at http://ionamiller.50megs.com
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TRANCE AND THE TRICKSTER. ABSTRACT: "Limen" is Latin for "threshold," and, during indigenous rituals, "tricksters" and their counterparts cross many of them. This paper makes the case that hypnotic phenomena are liminal in nature and that hypnotic practitioners (such as Milton Erickson) share many traits with traditional societies' "tricksters." The ambiguous nature of hypnosis has been apparent since the days of "animal magnetism" and "mesmerism." Hypnotized people often report hallucinations that confound their ordinary distinctions between reality and illusion, external and internal processes, and many other binary oppositions including time and space, as well as mind and body. In addition, hypnosis can obscure the distinction between fact and fiction in one's memory, as is evident in the "recovered memories" controversy. The role played by imagination is central to both indigenous rituals and hypnosis. This has been acknowledged by APA Division 30's recent description of hypnosis as a procedure in which someone "is told that suggestions for imaginative experiences will be presented." Hypnosis is a multifaceted phenomenon requiring explanation at multiple levels. Some investigators and practitioners have missed the importance of the social context in which hypnosis occurs, while others have come close to destroying the most interesting and useful hypnotic phenomena under the guise of objectivity. The liminal nature of hypnosis insures that its investigators face a valiant struggle, but the scientific and clinical value of hypnosis makes the quest worthwhile.
According to Division 30 of the American Psychological Association, "hypnosis" typically involves an introduction to the procedure during which a subject, client, or research participant is told that suggestions for imaginative experiences will be presented. The so-called "hypnotic induction" is an extended initial suggestion for using one's imagination, and may contain further elaboration of the introduction. The subsequent "hypnotic procedure" is used to encourage and evaluate the subject's responses to suggestions. When using hypnosis, one person (the subject) is guided by another (the hypnotist) to respond to suggestions involving changes in subjective experience, as well as alterations in perception, sensation, emotion, thought or behavior. In addition, persons can also learn self-hypnosis, which is the act of administering hypnotic procedures on one's own. If the subject responds to hypnotic suggestions, it is generally inferred that hypnosis has been induced. Many practitioners, but not all practitioners, believe that hypnotic responses and experiences are characteristic of a so-called "hypnotic state."
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